Thursday, July 16, 2015

10 of 2015... so far.

As a way to make sure this blog doesn't gather too much dust, let me tally off my favorite albums so far of 2015, and my scores for each one. At least something to post before I get enough brain energy to post something more interesting.

1. Sufjan Stevens - Carrie and Lowell. 10/10

2. Destroyer - Poison Season. 9/10

3. Colin Stetson and Sarah Neufeld - Never Were the Way She Was 9/10

4. Holly Herndon - Platform. 9/10

5. Jlin - Dark Energy. 9/10

6. Nicolas Jaar - Pomegranates. 8/10

7. Tobias Jesso Jr. - Goon. 8/10

8. The Breathing Effect - Mars is a Very Bad Place for Love. 8/10

9. Prurient - Frozen Niagra Falls. 8/10

10. Courtney Barnett - Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I Just Sit. 8/10