Friday, February 21, 2014

Pat Mahoney.

        Okay quick blog post about last night's show. 

        I got some tickets from DFA Records on Twitter last night after correctly guessing the band that Pat drummer for on their first album (Les Savy Fav for those who don't know) around 2 yesterday. It was for a new project for both the Mezzanine (a weekly show) and Pat Mahoney (Museum of Love). I believed that it was going to be a live show with some DJ's opening up for them but I was quite mistaken.

        I was going to go and explain the entire situation but let me just boil it down to this: DJs bore me. So very, very much.

       I tried to reason all night why I wasn't having a good time. There was a beat in the air, the dance floor was pretty open (not many people showed up) and I was energized. I worried about what was wrong even when Pat himself started DJing and got a good groove going with his partner DJ "I-Didn't-bother-looking-up-his-name". I mostly spent the time looking at the turntables and analyzing what they were doing with the various vinyl and electronics that they were fiddling with.

      Around 11:45 I realized what the problem was. To me, a DJ set is like free form Jazz. It's experimenting, trying out new things and building up a show, but there aren't any real songs. To me it doesn't feel like a real concert as it is just a dance hall where the DJ is not to be payed attention to. But I can't do that. When I go to a concert I enjoy songs and sets and knowing the music before hand. I can't take pleasure in a constant beat over R&B samples, it brings me no joy.

      I can see why people might like it, but it's just not for me. If you can find a reason why I'm wrong/dont get it, message me.

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